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Step 2: Pop the Top & Cut it Open

Start by cutting off the top of the Soymilk carton.

Open the top of carton.

Then cut along the left edge, so the Silk Soymilk logo is located to the right of the cut.

Then cut off the bottom the carton.

You should now have two parts, a flat Soymilk carton and a little square thing. (The square things work well as seed planters too.)

Step 3: Dry the Inside of the Carton

Using a paper towel or rag, throughly dry the inside of the carton. Clean off any remaining Soymilk.

Step 4: Prepare the Cap

Cut the top panel entirely off. Be sure to cut along the fold.

Then carefully cut the cap out of the top panel.

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This website designed and develeoped by Drew Wilson